Subject: re: Suedom Prologue + 20
Posted on: 2022-10-18 12:08:33 UTC

So, an admission: when I first came across this as a newbie, I skipped straight to the PPC agents appearances at the end, and had no interest in the original portions. >_> But! I shall read it all now! The concept of this "bridge" is very intriguing; who created it? How was it placed in the internet? How does it work? I look forward to finding out!

I'm amused that, in that snippet of fic at the beginning, the author can't spell "Legolas" correctly even once, but keeps her OC's "Fishywishylishiel" consistent every time!

Alas, if I'm searching properly, it seems "A Short," the story that inspired the story that inspired Suedom, is no longer on the Pit.

—doctorlit, bridging the gap between sleep and work, and bringing fiction with him, in his own way

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