Subject: So to answer the questions
Posted on: 2022-11-11 19:10:14 UTC

  1. Yeah, I'd agree with hub pages for works we don't still have access to. It's a better idea.
  2. The board mechanism was proposed as a fallback because I didn't want to subject the board to extra traffic that could be avoided. Given, we don't get much traffic so I'm not overly concerned about that. The other reason I proposed it as a fallback is because I thought it would be more work for people. After all, what's easier: copy-pasting urls into links and having everything break if you get it wrong, or adding <script src=""></script> in your header, and <div id="ppc-webring"></div> somewhere in the page, and having the rest take care of itself? However, given relative usage of that vs board routing, it might not be worth the bother to go make (although it is pretty quick...).
  3. Yes, routing through the board would make it work with the wiki. And google docs. And tumblr, livejournal, dreamwidth, AO3, really, anywhere you can insert hyperlinks.
  4. Automation. I assumed this would be hosted through github (and then fetched by the board service periodically, if that's how we're doing things). So... yes, if you can submit an issue, or know JSON well enough to edit the thing yourself and submit a PR, you can use Github's tooling to get the attention of me or someone else on the technical side (we can have more than one person running that). If that's too intimidating we could use something like an application form, or something. Or look into further automating the process of adding people so that non-technical folks can help manage the list (which is a good idea either way, we're only human and could make mistakes, but it's more time and effort). I don't want to entirely cut humans out of the loop because if webring additions are 100% automatic it can be abused.

(this reminds me to get board-to-discord crossposting working. I actually have a patch, but it hasn't been tested yet...)

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