Subject: Hagrid's basically a more reckless Steve Irwin...
Posted on: 2022-11-28 06:30:03 UTC

Though, honestly, given the personalities of Newt Scamander and (in the video games, I think) Professor Kettleburn, being a reckless Steve Irwin seems to come with the magizoologist territory...

It does suck how quickly everyone jumps to that conclusion. But that's Purityworld for you--and purity culture irl, too. Everyone's so obsessed with abstinence and avoiding temptation that basically everything is read as sinful and sexualised. And honestly, given how people irl joke about different-sex babies and young children "dating" each other... are we any better than everyone at Purityworld!Hogwarts assuming two eleven-year-olds out of bed after hours are snogging?

I'm glad I was able to give Greengrass some complexity here. And Malfoy, too--Lord and Lady Malfoy clearly model a much better relationship than whatever's happening here with Greengrass and her lord.

The lyrics are reversed on purpose, because Malfoy in a previous chapter told Harry that the Wizarding district is Constantinople not Istanbul. It's a brick joke!

Honestly, JKR put way too much emphasis on the House Point rivalries. I've found my irl students do get competitive in group point-earning activities, but not to the point of bullying each other...

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