Subject: Um. Hrm. Not without some Shenanigans.
Posted on: 2023-06-21 08:18:02 UTC

I actually supplied the eBook to Amazon in - if you can believe it - .docx format. The other option was to download and use their Kindle Create app, which seemed like a lot more work given that I'd already cleaned up the .docx for the paperback. When I tried to download a copy of the eBook for testing, it claimed to be in HTML format and landed me with a .zip of 49 files, mostly HTML, some images, and a handful things like .json or .ncx. That did not load onto a Kindle, if you're wondering.

In theory, I can transfer the eBook file manually from the physical Kindle (not the browser version) to a computer, but that will wind up with it in whatever format Amazon use for Kindle eBooks - AZW or KFX apparently. I'm not sure if that will even work, and I think it's what you were trying to avoid anyway. ^_^

I'll email you to discuss details; if I manage to space it, ping my Board email in a few days and I'll go "oh bother, sorry, I got distracted!".


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