Subject: Thank you! // Update to the Restricted Section list
Posted on: 2023-06-23 09:23:15 UTC

The advice you offered re. punctuation etc definitely helped the book look better than it would have otherwise. Beyond that, given that I have [checks] five confirmed sales so far, I think anything else would have been a bit overwrought anyway. :)

(I've actually bought more copies than that myself at this point. ^_^ I hope to get a few more by telling Facebook, but I can't do that until I've surprised my mother. Also this is "processed" orders, which means [expressive shrug].)


Speaking of your bookshelf, I've also updated the Restricted Section list to include both A Dragon at Llanelli, and the contribution Zingenmir made to Living Legacies back in 2014. That puts Published PPCer Works at 26, which is 2/3 of a Shakespeare.

Question: do we want the Restricted Section list to be transferred to the Wiki? It's an in-universe list of books held in a specific room of the Canon Library, so it shouldn't run into the No Real People restriction.


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