Subject: I've been percolating on this for a bit...
Posted on: 2023-09-23 00:21:22 UTC

I actually started writing fanfic before I knew what that was called. In 2nd grade, we had to keep journals, and I didn't think my life was interesting enough to write about, so I wrote Berenstain Bears fanfiction instead and claimed they were dreams that I had. I only learnt that the term was 'fanfiction' in 5th grade after I did a book report on the TERF-who-shall-not-be-named and discovered FictionAlley and all those other HP fansites. So that particular fandom was where I dipped my toes into really, deliberately writing it myself.

I stumbled across the PPC after finding Miss Cam's website (in the midst of reading LotR fics in 6th grade). My best friend and I would develop our own PPC agents (Agents Lily and Christianne -- Agent Lily would eventually become Lilith Wydenbrooke, and Christianne... stayed the same) taking down Sues called "Snailesha Snailorious" and stuff. I joined the Board... a little bit later. (I say this vaguely because I absolutely lied about my age at the time :P)

Looking back, a good amount of my writing style has been influenced by PPC-esque absurdity and irreverence. I think it's also played a role in the speech ghostwriting I did during my time teaching in Japan. Through fandom I also got experience managing a small business (zines) and other small events (fic exchanges), and made friends with people all over the world, several of whom I would meet in person as I studied and then worked abroad! (Including hS!)

I think a lot of those feelings are going into my current WIP project, since it all started in HP fandom back in the 00s. Seeing how the TERF-who-shall-not-be-named got radicalised in live time in front of the entire world made me want to rewrite the series with a more critical lens on the books themselves--and, ofc, deconstruct some of the popular pureblood culture fic tropes while I'm at it.

So that's where fic has brought me so far!

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