Subject: As we discuss, please bear in mind this is a large undertaking that cannot happen overnight.
Posted on: 2023-11-01 20:54:09 UTC

It will require decisions that are thought through, not made in the spur of the moment, and the execution of those decision may take quite a while. Level-headed consideration and patience are necessary.

That said, I agree that moving is a good idea, and I think Miraheze is the logical choice. It's well established, and as far as I can tell it will let us keep doing our own thing more or less as we have done.

Telepedia doesn't sound like a good fit to me because it seems to emphasize curated content, and I don't care to have a third party between us and our articles. We don't need a "partnership programme" to help us create a "polished and professional wiki." We're not that important. {= P

The good news about that is there's a chance Fandom won't mind us leaving at all. However, sunsetting the current wiki is still a big deal. Lots of external links would be broken if we just up and deleted it, not all of which are under current members' control. We might want to see if we can be included in the Indie Wiki Buddy extension, though we may be considered too niche.

I still wonder if it wouldn't be best to request the current wiki be deleted before we even start a new one, just to see if they'd do it. Obviously I'd back up the current version first; I've done it before.

I also wonder if we couldn't force their hand by restoring all the articles they objected to. Dare them to take action. {= P We could do that whenever we're ready.

Failing that, we could throw a few salvoes at their SEO by pruning the highest-traffic pages (e.g. Citrus Scale) from Fandom and having them only on the new platform.

These are just a few preliminary thoughts. I'm gonna need a while to really come to terms with this, and I would really love to hear from the more technical-minded folks who may have more insight into the pros and cons of other prospective wiki hosts and what we'll have to go through to actually undertake a move.


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