Subject: I'm sorry I haven't contributed to the discussion earlier . . .
Posted on: 2023-11-06 15:22:48 UTC

It's been an unusually busy week, and I just couldn't get around to watching that video before last night. But also, I could tell from some of the post titles on this thread that my stance of "moving too hard though, let's just not bother" had already been way outvoted, so it seemed kind of pointless. But I guess if most of the community is willing to make the move, and the WikiTide folks are explicitly willing to have us . . .

And as I always say on such posts, I'll help where able, but I really am getting more and more wiped out by work lately, so I don't have a lot of non-sleep time at home to work on fun things . . .

—doctorlit is sad another element of July's PPC legacy is disappearing

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