Subject: If something is free, you are the product.
Posted on: 2023-11-08 08:45:55 UTC

First off: it's absolutely awful they did that to your wiki. It's wrong. I know very well what it's like to have stuff you've worked on for ages just randomly deleted by a webhost, and it's absolutely grim.

I don't feel like either of those are actual imminent threats for the PPC Wiki, though. There's a world of difference between us and either a single-person, single-series wiki on the one hand, or a major international company on the other. I just... don't think it's going to happen.

And like I said: if it's free, then you're the product. The old Board was free, and existed so we could provide ad clicks. The current Wiki is free, and for the same reason. The new Board is not free, and yes, I sometimes worry about what if the person who owns it ups and leaves. My website is not free; Neocities has a free tier, which is deliberately limited to drive you into paying for more. (I'm actually paying because I desperately want them to stay in operation; the internet needs a new Geocities.) Wikipedia is free, and enormous enough to subsist on donations and grants.

WikiTide? "100% free wiki hosting. No ads. Powered by a non-profit." Miraheze? "an ad-free and community-centric wiki hosting platform". But both of them still exist in a world deep in the throes of end-stage Capitalism. They have to have money. So either they will come up with some way to monetise their wikis - or they will start charging for something - or they will just randomly shut their entire service down on little to no notice. Fandom is at least a stable platform where we know the problems. We can't say that for the newbies.


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