Subject: Wikia wasn't new.
Posted on: 2023-11-08 14:16:17 UTC

It was 4-5 years old when the PPC Wiki was created. Meanwhile WikiTide is 5 months old, which is the same time that Miraheze had to issue an official notice that it's not shutting down, promise.

Fandom runs off ads; it wants things to stay up so that it can stick ads on it. There's a whole segment of this thread devoted to how we could possibly persuade them to take the Wiki down if we move. Miraheze and WikiTide are running on donations - the Wikipedia model, except that Wikipedia has the critical mass to make it reliably sustainable.

The difference between the Wiki and a personal site to post your stories is a big one. After Webs and Google both let me down, I have a full backup of my website. If Neocities goes down, I will still have everything for when I find a new host. The same can never be true for the Wiki, because there's not just one editor, and Nesh isn't going to log in every week for the rest of time to take a copy. If the wiki service hosting it suddenly collapses, we will lose it. From my perspective, that means we need to keep it on a stable site which has lasted long-term, and that means Fandom.


Look, I don't know. I didn't even want to be in this conversation, but Nesh said people needed to contribute. I don't really care if it moves, it'll probably be fine, and if it's not we'll rebuild it. I don't know.


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