Subject: I wrote a fic and now my self-insert is canon!
Posted on: 2023-11-18 03:16:26 UTC

tl;dr "Coffee Leak" (Summary: "Not every object works quite as you expect it.") is a Post-Self story I wrote that's now canon. It doesn't spoil anything, so feel free to read it.

To give a more accurate summary of what you'd be clicking on, it's a short story focusing on emergency response in a world of digitized minds.

With that out of the way, here's the backstory. I got sucked into the Post-Self books (they're free if you want) a while back, and I started writing stories in the universe a while back. On that note, to give a short recommendation: the Post-Self books are a good bit of sci-fi that's a great place for character conflicts and explorations of identity and what it means to be you as opposed to someone else. The setting in general is a good blend of "cool!", "huh ... I'll need to think about that more", and some doses of "wait wtf". In addition, the books are very casually queer and furry. For instance, one of the main protagonists of the first book is Dear, Also, The Tree That Was Felled - it's a fennec who speaks in italics, somehow. (Though, in the interests of more honest reviewing, the series's pacing can be slow at times)

The fandom for the books (probably as a side effect of them being self-published) is rather small - I'd say they're roughly in the same order of magnitude as the PPC in terms of "people who've heard of this" and "internet footprint". One side effect of this is that, if you write stories set in the universe (which is an explicitly a rather open setting), you've got a good chance of the author reading your thing.

Which, I've found out, extends to "Hey, how about we put this on the series website?" Between that and a lot of other people writing in the setting liking the background details I was establishing, I think it's safe to say that "Coffee Leak" is canon.

I expect that my story should be broadly comprehensible even if you haven't read the books. Said story also has uploaded!dog!me in it as the protagonist, so .. yes, my self-insert fic is now canon. (Is it clickbait if it's true?)

Feel free to give feedback here if you have it.

  • Tomash

P.S. I've got more writing projects planned in this universe, so I'll probably be making another post like this eventually.

(Edited to add a better summary)

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