Subject: The Ghost's eyelids twitched.
Posted on: 2023-11-26 22:12:50 UTC

His gun rose up, aiming towards Corolla; but before it reached firing position, it fizzled into a shower of green light and vanished. "Recombination complete," the Ghost's voice said. His lips didn't move.

For a moment - the barest sliver of a second, so fast it was almost imaginary - the unkempt man in stained fatigues flickered out of existence, revealing a view down into trillions upon trillions of nanoscopic digital life-forms. Every one of them seemed to be looking back.

Then the Ghost was looking at Corolla with a sardonic tilt to his head. "Don't you know it's rude to read people's mail?" he asked. "No, I'm not going to destroy the PPC. You have no idea what I've done for this place." He turned and nodded at Tomash. "Apologies for the interruption. Did you say there was a pub around here somewhere?"

Holo-Acacia raised a hand. "I might know how to find that," she said. "See, in the real PPC, they say 'it's a bit of a maze, unless you hadn't noticed'..."

(And on a screen somewhere in physical reality, where Agent Corolla was busy accessing the networks, a wire-frame animation of a human head appeared on a screen. It looked nothing like the Ghost in the Machine, said nothing, was unseen by anybody, and vanished a second later. So it probably wasn't anything to worry about.)

((Obviously I was never going to attack Corolla! The Ghost has now re-integrated his military and personality code, which is part of why he was frozen so long; the Gun is now what I said it was initially, just a sensor apparatus. He was also busy reading everything he could find about Corolla so that the non-miltech side of him could make an informed decision.

And he could really do with a drink. ^_^))

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