Subject: Holo-Acacia hesitated.
Posted on: 2023-11-23 16:55:04 UTC

"Wait - really?" She dropped the axe, which fizzled out of existence after one bounce on the floor. "Okay, great, so I've never been able to teleport - something about it being 'cheating' in the Games - but he can and that really winds me up. So if you could give me, oh, instantaneous teleportation at the speed of thought, plus the ability to detect everyone in this network, that would be fantastic."

The Ghost, meanwhile, had taken a step back and half-raised his rifle. "You're some sort of technical support?" he asked. His voice was flat and dangerous, but there was a nervous glitter in his eyes that suggested he was hovering right on the balance-point between fight and flight. "Are you here to 'clean things up'?"

((HAcy just wants to win the Hunger Games. The Ghost just wants to not get mauled by antiviruses again. Both of them are just slaves to their programming. ~hS))

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