Subject: Checking up on Drendelen.
Posted on: 2023-12-22 23:54:31 UTC

I searched the book for other mentions of "Nerdanel's granddaughter". She seems to actually appear in the book, but not to do anything. More importantly, Celebrimbor explicitly calls her his cousin (confirming the family tree), and she has red hair.

So whose is she supposed to be? We know for sure she's not Curufin's daughter, because then Brim would be her brother. Maedhros famously had red hair, but also never married. One note by Tolkien says that Maglor and Caranthir may have been married - but neither of them have red hair to inherit.

The most likely option, yet again, is that as an artist she's supposed to be a daughter of Maglor. I feel like Dafydd needs to start a collection of his supposed kids - maybe he can paint each of their extremely deserved demises or something.


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