Subject: (raises hand) Still won't cover everyone.
Posted on: 2024-02-18 09:26:48 UTC

Alex Orange and Sam Apple - who have their own spinoff which I've almost forgotten about - have genders; they've just never told me what they are. It wouldn't be correct to put them in "Non-binary".

There's also Laduquac of DAS, who is male but will eventually mature into a Drosk matriarch. "Will change gender" would seem to be non-binary, but he's definitely male for now.

Tiiiiiiiime Lords. I'm pretty sure Ave, at least, has a gender-switch while in the PPC - while not being "non-binary" at most points, since the character is fixed at either he or she until death.

And any agents for whom we just don't know, because they're a background mention on a glossary.

That's just off the top of my head when I've just woken up. :) Which, if you're happy with the categories not covering everyone, fine. But an info box field would mean "male, but will eventually mature into a female" would be just one more piece of text entry.

(Also, categories are great for searching up, eg, a DOGA character or an elf - but is anyone going to want to go "right, I need a page about a lady - apart from that I'm not fussed"?)


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