Subject: Fiiine, guess I'm the only one who was curious.
Posted on: 2024-02-18 20:47:11 UTC

I really thought hS at least might be interested in the data, though. >.>

I strongly disagree with getting rid of any category that highlights minorities that are historically underrepresented in Western media. You can read it as "everyone else defaults to [insert assumption]" if you choose to, but a) you can choose to read unspecified as unspecified instead (plenty of people do this to add diversity to their fanfic [hi Lily]), and b) how else are you gonna find the characters explicitly written as not white, straight, human, whatever? And yes, for the record, I am rather in favor of adding more categories for non-straight, non-cis, non-human, and other minority agents so you don't have to hunt through all the unspecifieds to find them. {= )

Definitely agree with getting rid of the "Inactive Agents" category, though. It's not serving a useful purpose.


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