Subject: I'm not sure it is your call to make to add them.
Posted on: 2024-03-05 15:14:12 UTC

For example, in that list I can see the old SubetaHQ versions of Sergio, Nikki and Corolla's images - they're still there only because I had no ability to delete them when I uploaded their replacement ones. They're not forgotten, just obsoleted - in fact, you can delete them.

If there are relevant Agent pages to the unused images, we can assume that situations like mine are actually more likely than the author uploading the image and then forgetting to add it to the page - especially if the page itself features more recent ones, on in the page history the iimage was unlinkedb by the agent's author themselves. While it can count as an "archive" of sorts, I believe that adding the old ones as a gallery would actually go against the wishes of the original author in most cases.

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