Subject: re: 6.5 Harry Potter and the Coercive Government Shake-Down
Posted on: 2024-12-20 02:07:55 UTC

I suppose forbidding New Bloods from returning home, right from day one, is the inevitable evolution of the Sponsor program now that Gaunt is in power. Still, those are eleven-year-olds. There’s something especially heinous and twisted about Greengrass calling an eleven-year-old a “Chosen One” as part of the justification for keeping her from her family. It really condenses the mentality behind those who buy into the Mother Magic stuff: “We’re not like those Others; we’re Special and Above.”

Aha, I see that Tonks being a part of the Wheezes store is influencing some of the products to be more focused around modifying appearance! That’s a fun detail. (Unless all that stuff was canon and I just forgot about it, ha ha!) I wasn’t expecting Wheezes to be connected to the Muggle Potion-Drugs, though! If Gaunt’s Ministry is set on shutting the store down, they could easily use the Statute of Secrecy as an excuse to do so. Heck, I even wonder if leaking the potions was an intentional plan to do so? The twins have a lot of clean-up to do!

Ah, the Hallows are figuring into the plot at last! I guess even as “prime minister,” a man with Gaunt’s ambitions isn’t going to be happy until he’s made himself a super-wizard! And of course, the Hallows are all connected with VERY ancient houses, so possessing them would lend Gaunt even more social cred. But honestly, I’m more interested in Narcissa’s plans than Gaunt’s right now. She’s in an awful position, but she’s pulling on the protagonist gloves and working to solve the problems. I just . . . don’t have quite enough information to figure out what it is yet! I hope she and Harry will get to team up properly by the end of the year, and do something cool together!

—doctorlit isn’t falling for that Theo Nott red herring! He’s probably doing something completely innocent—oh wait. Just reread that section, and he’s totally on a mission from Gaunt to find the Slytherin locket and nab the Resurrection Stone, isn’t he? Whoops.

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