Subject: I could have sworn I replied to you but... ???
Posted on: 2024-12-31 10:34:21 UTC

Maybe I typed it up and forgot to post it...

I hope your surgery recovery's been going well! Typing a lot of text on a phone isn't very fun.

To be fair, by now at least Mr Weasley only has Molly, Ron, and Ginny to support--though in 5th year it was mentioned Molly gets assistance from Muriel. But he's certainly happy about getting to work with cars!

Yeah, Fred/Tonks is the trajectory, though she's still having some hang-ups about it, of course. Remus is... going to be oblivious about someone else.

Yes, the reality TV show vibe was on purpose. Yes, pregnancy can occur outside a Bond, but given that Mary and Gideon were both dosed with bond enhancers (her at an initiation, him as a baby), there's really no avoiding Bonding if you exchange sexual fluids like the act of fertilisation would require. So that's where the speculation stems from, though Ron and Ginny don't know this in quite that much detail.

I did conceive of them as glowing balloon animal like things when I was writing, haha.

And... yeah. Gaunt's effing up the Ministry. And I did originally plan to have Gaunt betroth Draco to Delphi, but we decided this was a lot more disturbing and a lot more immediate of a crisis for Draco! You're... welcome???

Yes, drink driving is the term in the UK! (At least on the police websites...)

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