Subject: In this house we respect Fleur Delacour!
Posted on: 2025-01-10 01:57:01 UTC

I did think it was kinda silly that Ginny called her Phlegm in the books because... uh. That word's French, dear. She knows what you're doing. And since Fleur actually won the Triwizard in the Decon, it's doubly insulting because she's proven her competency (and her curse-breaking prowess). I was very happy to write about Bill supporting his fiancée against his family!

You'll see next chapter if the textbook is indeed THE textbook... and we'll hear more from Nott in a couple more chapters, too!

Romilda Vane's having fun with it! fuk da prepz and poserz!!11 goffs 4 eva!!

Haha, well, what's the fun in resolving this misunderstanding this early on in the game? (I mean, as a wise Nesh once said, "we're writers, we're evil like that" :3c) Read on to see if Harry gets his stuff together!!

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