Subject: Clarifiation
Posted on: 2010-03-11 23:53:00 UTC

How involved is the story in Wizards 101? If the story almost seems separate from the mechanics of the game itself, you may just decide to ignore them completely.

I have more experience with World of Warcraft as the only non-flash MMO i've ever played - while I'm sure alot of people like making sillier stories that reference levels and spending gold for spells, the better stories are the ones that ignore that aspect completely and focus on the characters of the Warcraft lore, which is backed up by 3 games prior to the MMO.

If you've ever read any novels based on Dungeons and Dragons, you can see similar things happening - DnD is a very rules-based game, but the novels make no mention of levels, make references to classes only when there are extremely obvious archetypes associated with them (I cannot recall any Salvador novels actually labeling someone as a Rogue).

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