Subject: Haha
Posted on: 2010-01-08 23:27:00 UTC

Ah. The SuePer powers. Yes. That was actually spawned from a review on one of my contributions to "The Mary Sue Experiments," which said that I had become the Self-Aware Mary-Sue. Yeah, when I was first thinking up my character, I wondered, "How would her powers work if they dissapeared every time someone noticed them?" And, that led to her noticing them and having them go poof as well.
On the "Q-or-a-Q-like-entity" angle... I was originally planning to do another MSE in the Star Trek continuum, but it never exactly took off, due to other circumstances. I'll try to fix 'er up when I start doing missions.
Oh, and thanks for that comment on Sidhe. Yeah, the eye-color was a bit unnecessary, wasn't it? He is going to be the most well-balanced, most exasperated half of the team...for the moment.

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