Subject: There's a time and a place.
Posted on: 2009-12-21 07:14:00 UTC

To quote the PPC's founders:

"We love fanfic. Honestly, we do.

"But changing the *main plotline* of the canon story is ridiculous. (Except in speculative AU "what-if" type stories.) And Mary Sues upstage the canonical main characters, which really should not happen. If you want to be the main character, try doing original fiction."

To rephrase, yes, fanfic is for exploring possibilities left open by the canon, but there's a right and a wrong way to do it. In general, good "what-if" or Alternate Universe fics take one point in the story and explore a singular alternative. "What if Luna's mother hadn't died?" "What if there were five houses in Hogwarts?" "What if Luna had become Harry's best friend instead of Hermione?" "What if Luna was the one in the prophecy?" Stuff like that. Once the writer asks a question like that (usually just one, since it's more difficult to write a believable AU the more things you change), their challenge is to answer it while also staying true to the spirit of the original canon, and that's where a lot of writers miss the mark and stray from legitimate AU or "what-if" fic into badfic.

To run with the Silvermoon fic as an example, there are things she could have improved to make it more believable as an AU. First and foremost, there's no escaping the fact that Luna is completely out of character. It's a big problem because we love Luna for her quirky personality and the weird things she says and does, and there's none of that in the fic. If the author didn't want to write about that Luna, she shouldn't have used her at all.

It's the same problem with Ollivander and Madam Hooch: that wasn't the wise, strange Ollivander I read about in Harry Potter; it was some flaky old guy with blood pressure issues. It wasn't the strict, competent Madam Hooch, either.

It's the same problem again with adding another house, especially the way she did it here. The writer claimed it was a new house, that it had no Head of House, and that the students didn't have to wear the Hogwarts uniform. That doesn't fit in the Hogwarts I know and love. It throws Hogwarts out of character, if you like. The new house has no history, no depth, and nothing to help it fit in with the canon: it exists simply because the author wanted to make her cast of characters stand out, which is something a good writer should be able to do without gimmicks.

Remember, the writer was attracted to Luna for some reason in the first place. Presumably Luna stood out to her for some reason; but in her fic, whatever that reason was is erased and ineffectively replaced with gimmicks and shiny baubles.

... That's a lot of text. I hope I'm not stretching your patience too much; I'm just trying to explain my standpoint and that of most people on this Board as completely as possible. Do you understand what I'm getting at?


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