Subject: Imagination
Posted on: 2009-12-21 08:44:00 UTC

To be honest, I don't really understand your point of view. I don't understand how you can say there is no good or bad, no right or wrong, because I think a world without those things would be drab, lifeless, and boring. It excludes the possibility of the very good just as surely as it excludes the possibility of the very bad, and I just don't want to live in a world without the very good.

Some of the things you say are true; for example, the writer is entitled to her imagination, and the plot of a fanfic is completely up to its author. However, the writer is not entitled to everyone thinking the product of her imagination is a good read, and just because a fanfic author CAN write whatever they want, that doesn't mean that they executed it well, or that I have to like it.

I think we have a different concept of what "canon" means. To me, canon is to fiction as the laws of physics are to reality: you can't change them and expect the world to be right. Furthermore, the original author (the one whose name is on the books) is to canon as God is to the Bible. So, when you say Hogwarts might be a spy organization, I say, "No, it isn't, because J. K. Rowling says so and she created the thing, so she should know." Same goes for the rest: J. K. Rowling made the Harry Potter characters the way they are, and since it's her world, she's the ultimate authority.

(For the record, I'm not a very religious person, and I'm especially not about to worship a work of fiction or its author. It's just an analogy.)

Anyway, if a fanfic writer wants to change things for the sake of imagination, I'm fine with that. I just expect it to be done with regard to the canon and to have some kind of logical reason and explanation behind it in the fic. I call that well-executed. If a fic isn't well-executed, I call it a badfic and I'm not going to take it seriously.

Closing thoughts: If you don't love Hogwarts and its people as they are in the books, how can you call yourself a fan of them? Isn't a fan someone who loves something?

~Neshomeh (who is going to bed now)

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