Subject: Introductions, and for the love of all that's holy, KILL IT!
Posted on: 2009-12-13 20:15:00 UTC

 Greetings, salutations, and….yada, yada, yada. I guess one could get the idea. My name is Honu_Wahine, I just joined the PPC wiki, in the hopes that by January, I can become an agent to give a—dare I even think that thought—\*writer\* the (in the words of General Tirathon) horsewhipping that the author so clearly deserves.<br>     Ummmm… That wasn’t out of line for a first post on the message board, was it? I’ve been reading a thousand or so word review by the great Tirathon, and wondered “Why hasn’t this troll gotten the hint and stopped writing in this fandom?” I managed to compile a pretty good charge list, and hope that I can get permission to kill all four—four!—of these fics myself. Sadly—agents = month long probation on the boards before being considered as an agent.<br>     I really should stop doing this where the author can’t find me (mainly cause this ain’t even my normal penname), but I can’t. This travesty must be stopped—I am begging you, PLEASE! is the home URL of this travesty, er….story! Yeah, that’s what I meant, the story! <br>     The abomination called “An American Colonel name Hogan,” if anyone really cared...and there are three more by pink kommandant that are just as bad. \*whimpers\* <br>     \*Begins beating head against the surprisingly heavy industrial-sized sander.\* If this post is out of line with the ranting, and not enough of the introductions, feel free to remove it…or just laugh at me. I don’t really care which.<br>--Honu_Wahine, a desperate former suethor

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