Subject: RE: Hi
Posted on: 2009-12-14 00:22:00 UTC

Do you really want to know the answer to that last question?
Well, since you asked--Not really! Let's see, there's Beanacre0's travesty, and *that* author, and...hang on a sec, 'kay? *jumps down the rabbit hole, reappears a few minutes later.*
Wow. *Blinks.* Umm, the stories aren't MS as such, but....
*Neon sign that says 'List of Doom'(TM) pops out of nowhere*
- The Cartoon Heroes series, Metoria--is it just strang writing that I can't understand, or something else?
- Hogan's Future Kids, Dragea--main character is a blatant self-insert(author avatar much? right down to the name...), along with unCanon characters(2 to 3), non-Era lingo, and ummm... Writing that seems really strange
- Escape on the Menu, Sparkshaven-- I really couldn't read this. The lack of research and writing skill, the American *woman* flying *COMBAT!!!* *curls up in a corner, jibbering madly*
- The author Hippiechick. Her stories are good, and surprisingly well-written, but the OCs don't really need to be there. Just rewrite them a little, and you've got a nice in-canon story, m'kay? I just don't like the strange, sort-of out of place OC in there, but that's just me, I guess...

Well...Like I said, most of it's just annoying, or the roles that the OC takes(hippiechick!) could easily be filled by canon characters, even the bit ones, like Olsen, or dear Sergeant Joe Wilson--who appeared but briefly, but has since taken on a life of his own.
Thankfully, we have people like Tir(WHO REALLY NEEDS TO FREAKING UPDATE!!!!), Hubbles, GSJ, and most of the authors on there. A really cool slash series is on their that's worth a look, and actually does a good job of explaining away the slashiness of it all. Ah well. The situations mostly under control. It's just the ones that have cropped up since Tir decided to quit life on the boards and give us such wonderful things as the "car mechanic analogy" and wonderfully hillarious extended reviews. Even on the minor flamefest we had a few weeks back.
-the ex-Lurker, Honu_Wahine

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