Subject: RE: Hi
Posted on: 2009-12-14 00:27:00 UTC

Thanks. I now have an almost complete set of armor, and plenty of weaponry (plus a cool sticker!), to be used when I finally beg for permission. The shield is *awesome*!
Hogan's Heroes--A brief rundown: A 60s sitcom set in a WWII Luftwaffe POW camp. The Allied prisoners run rings around the Germans, aided(unknowingly) by the Sergeant of the Guard, Schultz, and Kommandant Klink. Much speculation and an almost-flamefest free-for-all break out occasionally over the identity of Nimrod. It's good for a larf or two. *grins manaically* If you want a really funny story, and proof of my insanity(not that anyone ever needed it...) check out the multi-chapter author!insert story, "The Mary-Sue Experiments." I won a great award for "Best Development of a Character Voice." I'm so proud.

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