Subject: -Sheepishly wanders in with a dorky nametag-
Posted on: 2009-11-09 08:50:00 UTC

Umm, hey. The name's Unbridled, Unbi for short. After spending days without food or water in the wasteland that Munroe once compared to an eternal rickroll, Tvtropes, I stumbled across the PPC page.
I was intrigued, after being rehydrated by medical profssionals, by both the premise (Hunting down Sues and giving 'em what for? Sign me up!) and the characters you folks have put together. I found the world you folks have created to be rich, entertaining, and, above all, just zany enough to be fun.
As fandom goes, I'm pretty tight into Lord of the Rings, though I have slipped out of it a bit in recent years (I can't recite geneaologies, don't know Elvish, and The Silmarillion went riiight over my head), and continue my years-long love affair with the works of PTerry (Including his collab works, with a special place in my crusty little heart for Good Omens.) I'm also pretty familiar with Star Wars (not so much the EU), the MtG Multiverse, and the Dresden Files.
I have a deep seated hatred of Sues from a run-in a few years ago. (I tried to play the My Immortal drinking game. It did not end well.)
So. That's me. Looking forward to smearing badfics with you all.

And I MWOTed again, didn't I? Darn.

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