Subject: First poke!
Posted on: 2009-11-09 19:26:00 UTC

*ceremonially pokes the newbie*

Hello! Welcome. LotR and PTerry, huh? It's... it's like the old days come back again. *gets teary-eyed* I too am a disciple of those great masters, as well as Neil Gaiman, whom I actually got to meet in person once (though when I say "meet" I actually mean "hear speak and then stand in line for hours to get books signed by").

I also dig sci-fi, but Farscape is my One True Fandom in that genre. I've seen Star Wars, of course, and some of each Star Trek series, and even some SG-1, but I could never forgive the latter for replacing Farscape when it went off the air, even when they hired on Farscape's two lead stars.

I keep telling myself I'm going to read the Dresden Files. Someday I will. At the moment I'm re-reading LotR as inspiration for NaNoWriMo.

Now, I have just one question: what is "to MWOT"?


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