Subject: Re: I have read about it actually
Posted on: 2009-10-21 16:30:00 UTC

"There's never going to be any funding if victims don't come forward. And victims are probably not going to come forward if there isn't a place for them to go."

That's exactly the problem. But no-one gives a toss to open, say, one a county and give it enough money to keep it up and running long enough to find out how many they actually need.

"Some of these women are so traumatised that they do see every man as a potential abuser"

Yeah, you'll find I have zero sympathy with that viewpoint. Same if a man thought all women were whores from the actions of a few (slightly faulty analogy, but whatever).

"shelters are supposed to be a temporary situation"

I think I read that a few people have stayed in the local shelter for at least two years.

By my understanding, Craig Charles lost his job for about a year. That's about a year too long in my view, especially since the lying cretin didn't get her name revealed. Suspects should never have their name revealed, whether they are guilty or not until they are actually found to be guilty.

"(in the Netherlands only first name and last initial are given to identify them, unless the suspect wavers the anonymity)."

That's smart. What do they do about teenage suspects (in Britian, they always seem to have anonyminity, which is, again, wrong in my view as the law says that, barring mental illness, people are capable of distinguishing right from wrong by the age of ten).

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