Subject: hmm
Posted on: 2009-10-22 10:59:00 UTC

Yeah, you'll find I have zero sympathy with that viewpoint.

Nice to see that you don't feel any sympathy for victims. It's trauma that caused that view and when they get over the trauma they probably will also change that view. (Note: it's not a view that I think should be encouraged, but there are circumstance in which I think it's not the first priority to fight it either).

Money is not going to places were there doesn't seem to be a need for them (well, that's what the government claims anyway). So first, the government should be made aware there is a problem.

Interesting that you should find that all suspects should have anonymity, but teenagers shouldn't. (although you probably meant to say that for teenagers the same rules should apply as for adults).

Well, if teenagers had the same mental capacities as adults and would be able to tell right from wrong in the same degree as adults are supposed to, all age limits should be dropped to the age of ten as well. If a ten-year-old is considered mature enough to overlook the concequences of a crime he/she commits, he/she is also mature enough to determine which politician best represents their interests in parliament, is mature enough to buy alcohol and cigarettes, and is mature enough to consent to sexual relationships.

I doubt the law expects teenagers to distinguish right from wrong and the consequences of their actions in the same degree as adults. That's why teenagers are trialled in different courts than adults and receive different penalties (in most countries). In the Netherlands teenage trials are behind closed doors (no public admitted) and at least the same anonymity as adults.

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