Subject: Dropping under the radar for a bit
Posted on: 2009-10-08 21:35:00 UTC

Um. So, my LJ got found by one of my officemates, because I managed to forget to f-lock a post that involved something he's researching, so of course he found it when he Googled it.

This is Bad.

Y'know what's on my LJ? ... quite a lot of quite explicit slash. Yeah.

I'm going to be moving to Dreamwidth, getting a separate journal for my personal stuff, and basically dumping my LJ. It's a case of duck and cover, stop drop roll, all that stuff.

So, if you're on my flist, don't panic, I'm not dead, I'm just hiding in a bunker. Everything's been either f-locked or private-locked for now and I get to spend tomorrow setting up a DW account and moving everything.

So, none of the links to missions that are on my LJ will be working on the Wiki for a while. I'll change them all when I get it all sorted.

- Trojie, currently freaking out

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