Subject: Re: *hugs* Not Good.
Posted on: 2009-10-08 22:09:00 UTC

Dreamwidth allows us to import a friendslist and basically means you'll still see our posts on your lj flist, and will have permission to comment on them on dw even if they're locked. So it shouldn't be too much of a bother, really.

As for the tracing Trojie back, I think the most important thing is getting the porn separated from the uni-related posts. If each is on a separate account, and the two aren't linked, then even if someone knows it's the same person posting, it's hardly sullying the good name of Trojie's uni, and what she posts on her own time is, obviously, her own business. And I always post the porn if she's at work anyway, so that's alright.

Also, we'd been meaning to tidy up that lj for a while anyway - for a start, Trojie doesn't like having her fanfic and her PPC missions all mixed up together and on an account she uses on various comms both to post fic and to find badfic. This has just meant we've had to get on with the process rather sooner than intended, that's all.

I'm in the process of importing the missions to a dreamwidth account; we've gone with rc45 as a username, if anyone wants to add it. There'll be a separate journal for other fanfic too.

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