Subject: I love them all so far, and will try
Posted on: 2009-09-13 01:27:00 UTC

I have two cats. One called Salom and the other Sabrina.

Salom is all black, male, from a farm and Swedish. HE is pretty smart, and loves to Attack Sabrina. He is somewhat smart, although Sabrina, who is female, tends to be a tiny bit smarter, but he is much braver then him.

I hav e hte most AWESOMEOUS KATTEH!!! HE"S BIG>>> blak.... and pantheryy... (did you know that there is no such thing as a panther?) He is super smartz, talkz, and has vampire fangz. Did IZ mention he is part Vampire? He also has FOUR BATZ wingz.

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