Subject: Like this, you mean?
Posted on: 2009-09-12 04:09:00 UTC

When I was a boy, I had a rabbit named Carrot-Muncher. He was a dark gray minilop, and had imprinted on people, so he was very sociable and very forgiving. He ate the stems of the carrots, not the roots (Pretty convenient Jack and Mrs. Spratt division, no?) He took ill and died two months short of his fourth birthday, alas.

[CAF OWNER="gary stu", DEGREE="FF"]i once had a coney named Carrotsbane. He had sleek chinchilla fur taht shone like the stars and mood ring ears he LIVED for people. boy did he live up to his name!!!1 he was almsot 4 wen he died oh angst.[/CAF]

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