Subject: I'm game.
Posted on: 2009-09-12 17:16:00 UTC

I have a cat named Merlin, only he's living with my mom because the apartment here is really too small. Anyway, he's a platinum-mink Tonkinese, which is really impossible to accurately describe, so here's a picture--a friend of mine took it while catsitting. He's quite an intelligent cat, very people-friendly. He'll reach up your leg to be picked up like a little kid. However, he's a bit skittish, and he can be very mouthy when he thinks he needs something we're not giving him. Also, while he generally never bites or claws--and he has all of them--he would get angry at me for leaving for extended periods of time (like a weekend) and not be satisfied until he'd taken it out on my arm. Just me, mind, no one else. {= P I maintain that he once deliberately spilled hot tea on me, too.

Now, while that's long-winded enough to be a CAF description, I can do better.

HI I have a kewl kitteh named Merlin, because he's part Kneazle and super-smart! He follows me around like a dog and protects me! His fur is totally silver and pale gold colored, and he has sapphire-emerald eyes (they're kinda both!)! Also he's part dragon, but he pretends to be a cat because its easier, but that's why he can telelport and fly and stuff. And he can talk! Kawaiiiiiii! ^____^

... Yeah. >.

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