Subject: Where to begin?
Posted on: 2009-07-12 06:27:00 UTC

I need to think of some accurate manner in which to describe my assessment of this work.

Mystika, if I may call you that, you have created some manner of literary abortion. And not the clean kind. Yours is a bloodied coathanger hanging from the twat of the very art form. I believe my eyes have been sullied.

I will disregard your flagrant disregard for the rules of spelling, grammar and consistency for the same reason many disregarded Hitler's parking tickets. They are innumerable and disinteresting in comparison to your other, more blatant flaws.

First is the main character of your fic. Mystik? A bland charicature of a character, who I can only assume you based on yourself. Kreep and his bear seem to exist only as foils for her disgusting tomfoolery. The villain or target, while they have yet to be properly introduced, is thus far a half-mentioned background figure who the characters react to with horror in a manner grossly disproportionate to the threat the enemy represents.
Also, Faddik is a stupid name.
So, in conclusion, please go kill yourself.


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