Subject: Overreacted I did
Posted on: 2009-07-10 10:37:00 UTC

Made an accidental exaggeration I did ... *hits voice box a few times* ... anyway, I'll put your wonderful gift in a sealed box with ten digit combination code so I don't accidentally cut both my hands and feet of again and have to spend five hours in A & E having them reattached agai... that was a hypothetical scenario I'm not so clumsy that I accidentally cut both my hands and feet off with a table knife in an embarrassing accident which was theoretically impossible before it happened ... *laughs unconvincingly in an attempt to make previous statement look like a joke* … anyway have this 256 leaf clover in a plastic pot as a thank you hopefully it'll bring lots of good luck.
Its not like it causes bad luck 50% of the time. That would be an extreme waste of a five billion pound military project if said project was to say cause a huge naval disaster in its field test, thus cause my penguin military leadership to make a young penguin solider a scapegoat to ensure that they and I don't get fired for extreme incompetence. That is a ludicrous piece of Giant Sapient crab propaganda, designed to remove the extremely competent penguin military leadership and I from power so as to make their invasion plans so much easier.
BTW if you wondering why I didn't give you a genetically modified super soldier Penguin which has been trained to kill Mary sues like I did when khajidu gave me the living male sailing ship Cuauhtemoc … well they've all chosen to go on strike because they want to paid in pounds instead of fish … so I can't give you one unfortunately as they throw fish at me when I try and talk to them.

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