Subject: Potential Problems, Potential solutions
Posted on: 2009-07-08 07:52:00 UTC

Language: English (change)

We might not be able to use Sun crushers due to the fact that there is a canon way to destroy stars(1) in the stargate universe meaning that we may have to get past a fleet of 12,000 (posibly 24,000) hat'ak mother ships(2) one of their ha’taks is easily a match for two System Lord flagships while their squadron flagships(3)could take on an Asgard vessel on even terms. their foot-soldiers have weaponry far superior to staff weapons(4). Seeing how out matched we are in terms of tech I have come up with a plan A, a Plan B, a plan C and a plan D .

Plan A requires we capture the Temple at Dakara(5) so that we can use the Dakara superweapon(6) in conjunction with the stargate network(7), then we use the weapon in its basic mode to destroy all matter on the 27 planets and the surrounding space, then we'll hide away for a few months so as to not be killed for killing 32 billion Mary Sues(8), while we hide away(9) we'll steal Asgard Black hole tech(10) then when the hunt for us dies down a bit(11) we'll use said tech (while ensuring no canons are in those solar systems) to turn one or more of the stars in to a black hole (depending how close the systems are). there are flaws to the plan as Dakara is an important planet(5) controlled by Baal meaning we have to take the system with out killing the canons which will be hard and then we'll have to put them somewhere safe so that when we trigger the Dakara superweapon from the nicely shielded control room they won't all be erased from existence.

If that fails we will have to go to plan B) taking control of the Ascension machine(14)so that we can Ascend say 27 Agents and then have them destroy the solar systems, of course we don't know if the Ascended have been affected by the mary sues and may/may not try and stop us(15).

If that fails we go to Plan C) we tell the Ori(17) about the existence of the Akkadian Commonwealth and hope that they can destroy them.

If the Ori lose the war(18) then we will be forced to go to plan D) FULL SCALE WAFARE against the Akkadian Commonwealth as Canon will be so Warped that we'll have to use everything at our disposal. To do so we shall bring the Attero device(19) to the Milky way galaxy, if we can we'll turn off the stargate network (with the exception of the Akkadian Commonwealths stargates) and then turn the Attero device on (regardless of whether the stargate network can be turned off) with it set to destroy Goa'uld Ha'taks, we'll wake up the Wraith and give them intergalactic hyperdrives and tell them about the Akkadian Commonwealth while detonating ZPMs(20) next to Akkadian Commonwealth stars basically the gloves will come off and we'll do whatever is in are power to restore stargate canon.

Hopefully Either someone will come up with a better plan or we'll succeed at plan A As plan B, C and D are filled with too much risk (not to say that plan A isn't risky but it's less likely to go horribly wrong)


(2) there is no distinguishment between normal ha’taks, Ha'taks enhanced with ancient weaponry and Anubis' mothership which is very very bad as the vagueness means they can basically rip to pieces any ship we could "borrow"

(3) never mind the fact that no one has enough hat'ak mother ships to have Squadrons!

(4) They appear to have guns but could be armed with other weapons


(6) <a href="

(7)using a 'hack' of the DHD's correlative update function we'll dial every Stargate in the Akkadian Commonwealth simultaneously

(8) Unfortunately due to the massive canon alteration on such a large scale I calculate a 99.7% chance that the canon characters and civilisations will still all adore the Akkadian Commonwealth meaning that they will see are attack as a crime against humanity. we won't be able to move freely until we destroy the Akkadian Commonwealth systems and thus reset canon.

(9) possibly at head quarters

(10) <a href="

(11) Due to Stargate Command decreased ability to plan, the mellowing of the Asgard(12) due to the Akkadian Commonwealth

(12) they said they weren't ruthless enough which is insane as the Asgard destroyed their own home world to stop the replicators(13)

(13) <a href="

(14) <a href="
machine"> (due to the fact that Agents who can pull off Spiritual Ascension are going to be very rare)

(15) even if they haven't been affected they may still have us follow the rules(16)



(18) (Warning contains swearing) (Warning contains swearing)

(19) <a href="


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