Subject: Because their Queen is a Goa'uld ...
Posted on: 2009-07-08 13:03:00 UTC

... who has seen the light like Egeria and has found a way to undedetectable create this perfect society that the Goua'uld don't want to destroy yet it is a civilisation which is perfectly fine with the Tok'ra and Earth even though it won't help the Goa'uld (as they wrong and evil) but won't help Earth (as "Ninmah" doesn't want to betray her people) they're like the Ascended yet their not Ascended. Oh and its set before series 9 so they have a valid excuse not to fight the Ori.

I think I smell a Mary Sue ... Oh Dear gods no the 456 from Torchwood: Children of Earth are Mary Sues ... it Makes perfect sense: the ability to survive a completely toxic atmosphere, the Destruction of the torchwood hub (classic Villan Sue) and their Message "WE ARE COMING BACK TOMMOROW" (which means today now). Every Doctor Who and Torchwood Mary Sue is going to come back to life At 9PM GMT by possesing evey child on earth in the doctor who universe ... What Are we going to do?!

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