Subject: Congratulations on your graduation. {= )
Posted on: 2009-06-06 16:19:00 UTC

In my case, I was writing before I discovered fanfiction. For me, it was initially a way to bond with the small corners of fandom in which I found myself--first for the game "Creatures," and then more significantly for "Farscape." My first Farscape fic was also the first story of any significant length that I actually managed to finish. It's not great, but I did it, and I'll forever know that I can.

Furthermore, that fic led directly to joining the PPC thanks to one of the helpful people on the Friends and Defenders of Pilot message board, who pointed out in the kindest possible way that my original character in the fic was probably a Mary-Sue. Not knowing the stigma attached to the name, I readily agreed that yes, that was probably right. Later, I discovered, which led to OFUM, which led to the PPC. And I've been here since.

I still have one fanfic that I feel I ought to finish, even though it's been years since I started, but overall, as I've sporked, I've drifted away from fanfic and tried to apply my skills to my own work. I have a nice little collection of vignettes now, and a full-scale fantasy world in the making.

Fanfiction and the sporking of it also made me realize that I'm better than most people at spelling and grammar. I've worked on becoming very good at it in the hope of turning it into an editing career. That way, theoretically, I'll be able to make a living, because I know I won't be able to do it writing. I just don't have the consistency for it.

One downside of getting heavily involved with the art and craft of good writing is that it has made me realize some of my favorite writers as a young person are actually not that great. The board has also confirmed that I will never be able to love any fantasy work as much as I love "The Lord of the Rings," which for me embodies technical perfection as well as masterly world-building and story-telling. On the other hand, the PPC message board is responsible for introducing me to some of my new favorite authors, particularly Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman, who have taught me that it is still possible to be original and to be damn good at it. They give me hope.

On that note, I think I've talked more than enough. ^_^; Kudos and hugs if you actually bothered to read the whole post.


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