Subject: Well...
Posted on: 2009-06-06 05:15:00 UTC

Fanfiction, for me, was a way to really LEARN. I mean, I started when I was thirteen, and it's been a few years. For some reason, I lacked the ability to develop my own ideas. I mean, besides the fact that my writing wasn't all that good, I honestly could not come up with an original story setup that was actually good.

Then I found fanfiction.

Of course, it wasn't an instant thing. I still wasn't a great writer, and my first few stories either crashed into the ground or staggered and twitched for a while before dying. Through fanfiction, I didn't really NEED to come up with an original idea, because I could use other people's ideas to practice my writing style and my plot-developing skills. And I found that, as time went on, my writing improved, and I actually used fanfiction to create my own original plotline. The best part was the fact that complete strangers could take an objective view on my writing, and really tell me how well I was doing.

A particular point of significance was when I discovered that Happy Tree Friends had its own section on the Pit. I don't know why, but it must have unlocked something, and I immediately spewed forth a story that, in hindsight, could probably be much better, but it was still significantly more original than the others. It was also the first multi-chapter fanfic I actually finished. In fact, I think I've had the most success in the HTF fandom.

Currently, I'm writing my own original fantasy. The plot is basically a combination of characters, plot points, and ideas from my Happy Tree Friends fanfics, as well as some issues in the Real World. I'm pretty confident about it.

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