Subject: I always wanted to write a novel ...
Posted on: 2009-06-06 02:49:00 UTC

... but when I was a kid, all I could turn out was poetry. Appalling poetry, I must hasten to point out, but poetry nonetheless. And I sort of dropped the idea.

Fanfiction hit me like a ROCK at the age of seventeen, and I promptly turned out several mediocre-to-poor slashfics, and then the PPC, and then my actual writing declined in quantity as more and more of my time was spent sporking.

However, I credit sporking with teaching me what is and is not good writing practice, and showing me what I like and don't like as a reader, making it easy for me to make judgements on what and what not to write.

My long-term association with Pads started off in fandom, and now we both write and spork together. Fandom/fanfic is thus also responsible for providing me with one of my closest friends :D

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