Subject: The one that comes to mind...
Posted on: 2009-06-07 06:54:00 UTC

Is Anne McCaffrey. It's hard to explain, because I'm a big Pern fan, but there are things about her writing that really bug me, especially her more recent work (and don't even get me started on her son). Her Acorna series especially turned into one big Suefest, and I couldn't keep reading the books. I partly blame her change of co-authors for that, but still. I liked "The Rowan" and I've read all the books in the Talent/Tower and Hive series, but the more I think about it, the more a lot of the main characters look like Sues and Stus to me. I never liked the Crystal Singer books because they were all about how special the main character was.

I can't think of any other specific authors that I loved as a child, but Diane Duane and Brian Jacques also come to mind. With Duane, it's the same sort of thing as McCaffrey: her ideas are fantastic, but her execution could be improved. As for Jacques, he created a great world, but by the time I started reading his books (middle school), I was old enough to notice pretty quickly that he recycled the same plot in almost every book, and I lost interest.

I don't fault CS Lewis. His writing, at least in the Narnia books, is the result of the time he lived in and the fact that they were meant for young children, not that he didn't know what he was doing. He certainly did. I just happen to like his contemporary, Tolkien, better. {= )

~Neshomeh, who doesn't remember reading Beverly Cleary or AA Milne.

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