Subject: Re: that's... interesting logic
Posted on: 2009-06-02 14:09:00 UTC

Yeah, but the thing is, it already just happens. And it doesn't automatically lead to children being bullied to the point of suicide. Might be handy to hear Trojie's perspective here, on how her bloke coped having three mothers.

Anyway, half the problem is that gradual change is bloody hard to effect. It sounds like you're suggesting we need to eliminate homophobia in every parent, in every media outlet, in everyone who might at all affect a child enough to make them bully other kids based on their parents' gender, before gay adoption can be allowed. That sort of blanket acceptance is pretty much impossible, and one way to work towards it is to expose kids to the idea that there's nothing wrong with it from a young age. Having schoolmates with same-sex parents is an excellent way from children to learn that. Sure, later on they'll some of them likely pick up homophobia from other sources, but not all of them will. Some who'd never really think about it, not be opposed to the idea per se, but would be mildly uncomfortable about the idea, would have some basis for reference and would have examples, from an early age, of perfectly normal and healthy same-sex relationships. Takes away the mystery, takes away the difference, takes away the fear, and so takes away the hate.

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