Subject: Re: Tattoos...
Posted on: 2009-06-02 15:47:00 UTC

I'd guess the edict against tattoos was probably one of many ways of distinguishing between Us and Them. (I'd be buggered, I have three.)

You seem to be assuming that morality is fixed and immutable; that Killing Is Wrong, for example. That's the line that religions tend to take - no shades of grey, just right and wrong as defined from above. Generally, in a society in which one can lead a money-guzzling corporation, then by that society's morality robbing one of one's money would be morally wrong. Stealing it all and redistributing it? Not necessary wrong, dependent upon the consequences (but positive consequences would be very hard to implement). You could argue it'd be right to kill the megalomaniac, or you could argue it'd be wrong, but the point is you'd be thinking about it, and considering all options logically, before coming to a conclusion, rather than simply denouncing the one for greed and the other for theft and murder.

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