Subject: Re: Not sure what I think of Iraq...
Posted on: 2009-06-02 15:18:00 UTC

"But then you've got to deal with the notion that the infallible word of an omniscient god can be cancelled out, and that's problematic in the extreme."

I think he had some sort of personality transfer.

"A philosophy course will cover it in a lot more detail, and you should look up the wossname, bacterial flagellum or whatever they call it, too, because they tend to bring that one out at the end as though it's inexplicable (thus demonstrating total lack of understanding of the theory)."

Yep, that's the one we learned about in science. I laughed through the whole video.

"Forgetting to garden wouldn't work - fossils have been found from a lot of millions of years ago."

That's what I said. The timeline doesn't work however you look at it. We've been around for longer than six thousand years. I think I heard of something from 5000 BC being from our current evolutionary stage.

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