Subject: Cute dogs, yay. *imaginary snorgle*
Posted on: 2009-06-02 17:27:00 UTC

I'd hate to imagine anything happening to them. If something *did*, I'd support a course of action that goes along the lines of 'hunt down the culprits and knock them off a tall cliff'. And the railway arguably sounds a bit more worrisome than the wood itself. Stupid drivers are still the worst danger, though.

Maybe those PETA guys had some treats or something as a distraction, and waved them around for a bit. Honestly, it's disturbing how fanatic these people are. They never even stopped to consider any of the things mentioned here, that they might be causing as many problems as they solve. Faith in Humanity meter -5 points, and Glod knows I already dislike PETA. Least the RSPCA does their job properly, without the lethal injection and cold storage.

Lady somewhat resembles an ewe in the first picture. Bit ironic, but cute and funny all the same. Monty just looks like a Rottweiler crossed with a cute, lovable, and snorgleworthy thing to me, never mind the genetic makeup of the other parent. Win is a legitimate half in my books.

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