Subject: I've been waiting for this thread.
Posted on: 2009-05-26 05:35:00 UTC

I really enjoyed the movie. Like you, I don't know enough about the original series to make a detailed comparison, but it did sound like everything was explained by the "time travel creates AU" thing. Which is really awkward as a plot device. But still.

What I want to know is if they plan to remake the original series. Some of you might be having aneurysms at the thought, but give me a minute. We have better technology now. We have better science, better special effects, and, let's face it, better plot devices than "Kirk gets the girl." We come armed with the knowledge of how the five-year mission goes, so we have the potential for a series with more scientific intelligence and better internal consistency. This could be really cool. I just don't know if anyone is actually planning this, or if they could carry it off.

I'd probably watch it just to see what happens to it.

If the movie were a fic, it would depend entirely on the quality of the writing. If it's well-written, there's no reason for us to bother with it.

~Neshomeh, who decided that if Leonard Nimoy is okay with it, then so is she.

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