Subject: I loved it!
Posted on: 2009-05-26 02:29:00 UTC

The no-pants thing...well, it's canon. At least for that part of Starfleet history. The time-travelling Romulans probably didn't have much impact on military fashion.

Time travel as opposed to an unexplained retcon? Good thing. Time travel that lets Nimoy!Spock give the Vulcan salute to Quinto!Spock? Good thing. Time travel as opposed to just working with the canon that was already there? Meh, not sure.

Yes, but if someone had shown Nero the Evil Overlord List, he would have killed Spock, and that would have made me very sad. And it would have been a very short movie.

The parts of the movie that deviated from canon were all explained as part of the time-travel thing, which was certainly preferable to just disregarding canon without explanation. And I felt that they did a fairly good job at staying true to what the show really meant.

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